Warung Bebas

Friday, November 30, 2012

Just being a tourist

I never turn down an opportunity to act like a tourist in London! Straight from school to the big ben... it never ceases to amaze me I LOVE LONDON!!!


Topshop Faux Fur Coat
Topshop Top
Topshop Leigh Jeans
Topshop bag
Topshop Hidden Heel Trainers

Just realized that everything I wore today is from Topshop!! hahaaa whole outfit yo... ahhhh best part of going shopping the night before :) Pics of my buys soon to be uploaded!



Well Asos obviously loved my moustache for Albania's 100th Birthday cuz im on their instagram and it's on the popular page!!! Madness hahahaa (this is so exciting) check it out and follow me on instagram: @dualipa

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Lying Kind

Tonight is the 4th night of a play 'The Lying Kind' being shown at the Giant Olive Theatre at Kentish Town! The show is completely sold out which is amazing and whats better is my girl Imogen Levy is in it!!! I was lucky enough to have to first watch of the show on their final dress rehersal where I took a couple of pictures but wasn't allowed to publicize them!!!!! Throughout the whole show I was in histerics and crazy giggles, a funny, witty and yes, veeeery cheeky show hahahaa

Well here they are the pics finally:


Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I have never been so proud to say where I'm from, just seeing all the Kosovans and Albanians from all over the world contributing to the 100th Birthday of Albania whether or not they are there warms my heart! I wish I was there to celebrate with my people! I didn't choose where I'm from... I just got lucky :)


I gathered some images I saw on facebook and twitter of everyones support! I'm so proud...

@Dualipa: se jam këtu, e do të jem Dem Baba Dem. Gjer sa mali të bëhët hi e hiri mal perseri! #100vjetSHTET

Gjaku im rrjedh shqip



Sunday, November 25, 2012

A trip to Essex

spontaneous trip to essex with imogen, during our funny ride there surrounded by awkward people we managed to get there within an hour and a bit! During our train ride we always had time for pics (some super silly beware) hahaa. We saw our babyy girl Wallis and got take-out curry mmmmm. After giggles and jokes we went back to Wallis' house for more night gigggleeees before bed!! 'everything is shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits' - quoting Wallis Day muhahahaha

Topshop dress
Topshop shoes
Warehouse Jacket
THAT IS ALL... all black errthang

Love my girls

Friday, November 23, 2012

Last years shoot

Throwback memories of last years shoot for Toska Beqiri's Hip Vintage Fashion Line Clothes!!


Thursday, November 22, 2012


Cute pic on our day out last week with my babyy Sarah!!!


I know i haven't posted in too long!!! but soon my blog will be up and running daily...
but for now

jimmyhendrix top- topshop
leather jacket- warehouse
leigh jeans- topshop
big tote bag- topshop
Sunglasses- Anna Dello Russo

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Movie Review: 'Rust and Bone' is gripping, loving.

Mattais Schoenaerts and Marion Cotillard portray damaged lovers in 'Rust and Bone'

"Rust and Bone" is a love story that is wrapped in so much pain and anger that it's unnerving. This isn't an abusive relationship in a sense, but one where the two lovers are both physically rundown and tired. Not tired of each other, just tired.

Marion Cotillard and Matthias Schoenaerts play Stéphanie and Ali, two quiet people with emotional baggage and an emotional anchor tied to them (Stéphanie with her abusive boyfriend, and Ali with his son, Sam). After moving in with his sister, Ali is trying to get his life together to make a living for he and his son. He meets Stéphanie after a fight leaves her bloody and roughed up, but nothing too serious.

The next time they talk they're both changed people. Stéphanie loses her legs after a killer whale she trains attacks her, and Ali is starting a new job, with boxing looming ever closer as a career choice. As a comforting gesture he takes her for a dip in the water, in what was probably the first time she was in the water since her accident. It's a pretty quiet scene, but the emotional ties they develop for each other are being to form.

Eventually, Ali starts to get more involved with back alley boxing, making thousands of dollars while getting beat around and losing teeth. He might be getting the money he so desperately needs, but he begins to become an even worse father to his son, and inconsiderate of the love Stéphanie has for him.

Ali just isn't the type of man to love, he doesn't seem to know how. Neglectful to his sister, son and Stéphanie, the only thing we know that Ali is good at is sex and violence. He doesn't like to be bothered by much, but if the chance to have sex with a girl at a gym or beat someone senseless comes around, he'll do it. By the end he realizes that it just takes one accident to know how great you have it until it's gone.

Given the right person he does seem sort of caring. From carrying Stéphanie to the sea, to their first sexual encounter, Ali has a miniscule soft spot that comes out unexpectedly. He doesn't relish in it,  barely noticing when he is caring, but it's the soft, serene hand that Stéphanie really wants. She doesn't seem to want a lover, but someone who is willing to have a strong emotional connection with her. Presuming her boyfriend left after her accident, Ali was the only one to be comforting to her since then. He's the only man she seems to know.

I liked this movie. I didn't love it, but I liked it enough. There's something about European movies that they can focus on two lovers and not make it boring or irrational. For two hours we witness this "couple" grow a great love for each. Cumbersome at the start and emotionally charged at the end, we observe the stages of love and the emotional, and sometimes physical, impact it haves on all of us.

I obviously can not reveal the ending to you, but it's a sucker punch to the gut that makes you wish some people were more understanding of the things around them. Don't take a true love for granted.

Rating: B

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Movie Review: 'Anna Karenina' an intersting book-to-film/stage adaptation

Image courtesy of Focus Features
Disclaimer: I've never read 'Anna Karenina,' seen a previous film adaptation or had previous knowledge about the story before seeing the film.

Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" is known for being one of, if not the best, novels of all time. Its story of the titular socialite with Count Vronsky is known the world over, and has been adapted into as many films as Austen's "Pride & Prejudice." But never has a production been put together in the way Joe Wright has tackled the story.

Teaming with his "Pride & Prejudice" and "Atonement" leading lady Keira Knightley for yet another literary adaptation, "Anna" incorporates a theater setting for some of the scenes in his film. Opening up with a curtain rising on Prince Stephan (Knightley's "P&P" co-star, Matthew Macfayden) getting ready for his day on stage, the sets are re-arranged and quickly manipulated to play host to an angelic heaven, a train station, and even a rundown alley up in the rafters.

A very interesting approach for an epic love story like this, it was a bold and memorable take nonetheless. As Vronsky's (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) eyes pierce Anna's from across the stage, it's like watching two dancers at opposite ends of the stage slowly come together for a duet. As their attraction draws them closer together she realizes that she is not in love with her husband, Alexei Karenin (Jude Law), and leaves him for Vronsky.

Because this was my first encounter with the story, I can't say what parts of the story should have been included, or let go. At just over two hours in running time, the movie keeps a solid focus on Anna and Vronsky while dipping into the side relationships of Stephan and Dollie, and Levin and Kitty. The film was as good at telling a condensed version of a literary love staple just as Wright's "P&P" was.

The ultimate question with this film's production must have been, "Do we focus on the story or the look of the film?" If I had to guess, story and substance was substituted to get that classic 1874 Russian look for the film. The costumes and production design are top quality, extremely lush and beautiful, with certain Oscar nominations to come for it. The "stage/theater" scenes, though beautiful, were smothering at times, making me wish it could be even more lavish with more robust sets. David Lean's 1965 adaptation of "Doctor Zhivago" and the 1968 adaptation of Tolstoy's "War and Peace" were both big epics that didn't skip on the scenery. Wright should have seen those movies before embarking on this project.

Knightley as Anna won't go down in history as one of the best interpretations of the character, but it's a competent enough performance. She's youthful and glowing in the beginning, then an unraveling mess of emotions by the end. An Oscar nominee for "P&P," there's no saying which literary adaptive performance is better, they're both so different. I must say that I'm tired of her "I'm happy in this scene but I've still got a sourpuss face" shtick she does so often.

The best performance, for me, is Jude Law as Alexei. Quiet and subdued, he is the perfect contrast to Knightley's glowing Anna. Even when she admits to betraying him, Law has so much restrained power as Alexei that it's surprising how he didn't blow up. He had his suspicions, but choices to act rationally and level-headed. Johnson's Vronsky was competent and not memorable or interesting.

Overall production of the film makes for wonderful eye candy over this truly inventive yet bland re-telling. Die hard fans may not like "Anna Karenina," but it's something to experience.

Rating: C

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Adey's Birthday!!!

My girl has turned 18 and what's better than to actually celebrate it in London's clubs JALOUSE!
so much fun with my girls even though now I can even feel my feet but it's all good cuz im in bed with tea and a biscuit!! wooo


Thursday, November 15, 2012


Hope your all watching Hollyoaks!! If your not then catch up on it on 4oD and If your in a different country you can all watch it online on FilmOn E4!!
My girl Wallis Day has been aired after a long waiting time!! We are all really excited so join the ride with us :D
Holly Cunningham returns and my girl Wallis is doing an amazing job so far!!!!

Follow Wallis Day on twitter and instagram @wallisday and stay updated...

Drama drama down in Hollyoaks...
It's not to be missed

catch the previous episode tonight on channel 4 at 18:30 and head straight onto E4 at 19:00 to catch tonights one!!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Louise Gray Dress!!!

Been ill all day today and yesterday, probably another throat infection :( but one thing got me out of bed... My Louise Gray Dress delivery!!! sososooo excited when it came!! This new year i'll probably wear the dress with my white spikey jefferey campbells and go all out and all crazy!! taking 'shine bright like a diamond' to a whole new level haahhaha!! super excited


Monday, November 12, 2012

Final Grammy Predictions 2013

Edited on Nov. 27
Edited on Dec. 3

This is going to be my final set of predictions before the nominations tomorrow night. I've also include generalized numbers on how many, and in which categories, some singers will get. Most of this is speculation, but I'm more than confident in most of my picks.

Anywho, look below to see how I think will be certain Grammy nominees on Dec. 5

Album of the Year
Ceremonials, Florence + The Machine
Channel Orange, Frank Ocean
El Camino, The Black Keys
Take Care, Drake
Wrecking Ball, Bruce Springsteen

Babel, Mumford & Sons
Making Mirrors, Gotye
Talk That Talk, Rihanna
Tempest, Bob Dylan

An even mix of potential nominees, this year's slate could be loads better than the pop-saturated crowd last year. With "Ceremonials" being submitted in the pop categories it could be the only pop nominee if it goes as I predicted. Even though I think it's an alternative album, the unconventional "pop" factor of its lead singles makes it a different, yet successful pop album.

With a seasoned vet (Springsteen), commercially applauded R&B and rap artists (Frank Ocean and Drake) and an alternative Grammy darling (The Black Keys), there's something for EVERYONE this year. Any substitution of my picks with an alternate would be great and not entirely unwelcome — though Rihanna would stick out more against these endearing and serious acts.

One thing I'm sure of is that Adele's "21" won't be nominated, even as the best-selling album for a second year in a row.

Record of the Year
Set Fire to the Rain (Live),
Somebody That I Used Know, Gotye f/ Kimbra
Shake it Out, Florence + The Machine
Thinkin Bout You, Frank Ocean
We Are Young, fun. f/ Janelle Monae

Call Me Maybe, Carly Rae Jepsen
Ho Hey, The Lumineers
Lonely Boy, The Black Keys
Take Care, Drake
We Found Love, Rihanna f/ Calvin Harris (eligibility pending)

If anything, I think two or three of my definites will make it (Gotye, F+TM, fun.), with one or two alternates sliding in with a possible outside pick getting in as well.

Song of the Year

Over You, (Miranda Lambert) Songwriters: Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton
Shake it Out (Florence + The Machine) Songwriters: Florence Welch and Paul Epworth
Thinkin Bout You (Frank Ocean) Songwriters: Frank Ocean and N. Cobey
We Are Young (fun. f/ Janelle Monae) Songwriters: fun. and Jeff Bhasker
We Take Care of Our Own (Bruce Springsteen) Songwriter: Bruce Springsteen

Ho Hey (The Lumineers) Songwriters: Wesley Schultz and Jeremy Fraites

Paul Epworth won record and song of the year earlier this year for Rolling In The Deep, and could compete in those categories again with Shake It Out. Proven to be a master producer and songwriter (winning four Grammys in February), more bids seem imminent with this adult contemporary hit from the powerhouse English group.

Frank Ocean will probably grab nods in all general fields because of his critically acclaimed album, so they'll want to recognize his songwriting ability. Usually one country song sneaks in this year, along with a rock track. Is fun. pop or alternative? Either way they'll probably get in to.

Best New Artist
The Lumineers
Frank Ocean
Emile Sandé

Carly Rae Jepsen
Lana Del Rey

Of the three that I am most certain of are Frank Ocean, fun., and Gotye. Emile I'm keeping around because they like to nominate at least one strong female R&B artist every year, and her album has been doing moderately well here thus far. Also, she's British and the Grammys love to nominate new English songbirds.

Lana Del Rey. What is there to say about her? She's interesting, she has that sultry voice you can pick out in a second, and she's original. But you might want to overlook her SNL performance from January.

One-hit wonder Gotye could break in based on the strength of Somebody That I Used To Know. The Lumineers have been doing quite well with the track Ho Hey, so they could secure the "folk/rock/alternative" spot recently filled by winner Bon Iver and Mumford & Sons.

Potential Grammy count:
Frank Ocean (7)- AotY, RotY, SotY, BNA, Urban Contemporary R&B album, solo R&B performance, R&B song.
Florence and the Machine (6)- AotY, RotY, SotY, pop album, pop duo, song for visual media.
fun. (5)- RotY, SotY, BNA, alternative album, pop duo.
Gotye (4)- RotY, BNA, pop duo, alternative album.
Paul Epworth (4)- AotY, RotY, SotY, Producer of the Year (non-classical)
Adele- RotY, solo pop, music video (long form)


Heyheyy i havent posted in what nearly a week now?! Gutted. I didn't have time to post, edit and just sit down and do this slowly... but since I found a tiny bit of time, bare in mind im in bed just woke up, about to brush my teeth kinda time hahaa buuut Im posting so thats all that matters!!!!
Basically I'm gonna post my girlieees Ella Jenkins bday party snaps there should be more to come as I only have a few heehee

Vintage Jean Jacket
Jefferey Campbell All-over spikes Lita
Paprika Dress


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